We Are Winter Garden
Vote 2024
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Nicole Wilson
Lawyer, Environmentalist and Mom​
As a licensed attorney, Commissioner Nicole Wilson works in the public interest and has helped individuals and non-profit environmental organizations navigate local, state and federal laws. Nicole believes that equal rights for all people must be defended and is committed to working on behalf of the underserved members of our community.
Nicole was born and raised in Gainesville, Florida and moved to Central Florida over 20 years ago. Nicole received her bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Human Services from Mercer University, and law degree from Barry University School of Law. Her legal studies included a concentration on environmental and Earth law, and she gained practice experience in Barry Law’s Environmental and Earth Law Clinic and Advanced Clinic she went on to be named Associate Editor of the Environmental and Earth Law Journal and was awarded an Honors Certificate in Environmental and Earth Law.

Kyle was raised by Public Educators (Roger & Christine Goudy) who have a collective 65+ years of experience. Kyle was a product of Public Education, attending K-12 Public School and eventually graduating from the Patton College of Education at Ohio University.
Kyle has 15+ years of experience working with kids in different capacities. Kyle is uniquely qualified to be our next District 4 School Board Member because of his experience in both Education and Business. OCPS has over 200,000 Students and Kyle is the only candidate that has created programming for student groups of that size. OCPS manages a $2.6 billion budget, and Kyle is the only candidate that has first-hand experience managing large and complex budgets.